Kría – sprota- og nýsköpunarsjóður auglýsir eftir umsóknum um fjárfestingu frá sérhæfðum sjóðum sem hafa þann tilgang að fjárfesta í sprota- og nýsköpunarfyrirtækjum.
Heildarfjárhæð sem Kría hefur til fjárfestinga á þessu umsóknartímabili er allt að 1 milljarður króna.
Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 28. apríl 2023. Frekari upplýsingar eru að finna á vefslóð
Information on the requirements for Kría’s investment funding and the supporting documents for the application can be found on the following website (in Icelandic): VCs interested in applying and satisfy the conditions for investment by Kría can obtain an application form and information on the required supporting documents by enquiring at [email protected].
Information on the requirements for Kría’s investment funding and the supporting documents for the application can be found on the following website (in Icelandic): VCs interested in applying and satisfy the conditions for investment by Kría can obtain an application form and information on the required supporting documents by enquiring at [email protected]